Pause – Analyse – Document
Stop for a minute and take a look at where you are right now. Making improvements requires not only taking action to improve the areas you are lacking in, but you need to stop and make adjustments along the way.
This is why you must Pause and look at how happy you are with each of the areas of your life right now.
Once you have stopped to look at where you are right now it’s time to analyse so you know what is working well and what is not. This is the time to make the necessary adjustments along the way to get you where you want to go.
At the end of each month rate how you feel your life is going in all 8 areas on a scale of 1 – 10. Then compare this to the results from the previous month on the wheel of life tool.
In each of the 8 areas what has the change been, has it increased or decreased and if so by how much? If you have improved in any areas then work out what you have been doing differently and try and do more or it.
If you have fallen backwards in any of the areas then again try to identify why. What have you changed to cause this drop off and how can you eliminate the habits and behaviours leading to this?
Not only do you analyse the change in each of the 8 areas of your life on MindGaia Wheel of Life Tool but also look at the 3 goals you set in each area of your life and see if you are still on track to achieving these. If not then how can you adjust what you are doing to get back on track again?
The final step is to document everything. You have been given access to the MindGaia Forum and the blogging features. Head into the blog once per month and follow the format outlined in the video.
List each the 8 areas, document the change in each area of life and if it has got better or worse and by how much, then leave comments as to why.
Finally write an overview of how you feel your life is progressing overall so you can reflect back on this at a later date.
By pausing, analysing and documenting you are giving yourself a chance to see what you are doing well or badly and can make the necessary adjustments to move you from where you are to where you want to be in all areas of your life.
This will significantly improve your work life balance if you can work on all areas of your life![/text_block]

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