With the excel tool there are two tabs. The first is where you can fill in your rating in each of the 8 areas of your life, just select from the drop down menu from 1 – 10 and you can visually see how balanced you feel your life is on the wheel. You can make changes if you feel it’s not quite right.
Once you are happy just click the submit button and this will move you onto the second tab where all your historical data is stored. On this tab you can see in the first graph your overall score out of 80 and which areas of your life are performing the strongest and weakest.
If you feel anything needs editing you can do so from the drop down menu below the graph. If not then each time you submit the wheel of life a record will be filled in here along with the date stamp.
If you want to delete an entire entry you can do so by clicking the button ‘delete last log’ and then go back to the wheel of life and fill it in again. If for whatever reason you want to delete the entire data record you can do so by clicking the ‘Clear Log’ button.
Below is a line graph for each of the 8 areas of your life showing the change month on month so you get a visual representation of if the life areas are trending upwards or downwards so you can start to use the PAD system which will be discussed in the next video.[/text_block]

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- MindGaia’s Wheel of Life Tool – Mac
The complete interactive wheel of life tool for Mac. Download and start filling out the wheel of life on the first tab and track your progress as the months go on in the second tab.
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- MindGaia’s Wheel of Life Tool – PC
The complete interactive wheel of life tool for PC. Download and start filling out the wheel of life on the first tab and track your progress as the months go on in the second tab.
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