When setting goals be sure to follow the SMART goal setting framework and then follow the 5 step goal setting process both of which are outlined in the ‘Goal Setting Process’ document below in the resources section.
Aim to set 3 goals in all 8 areas of your life, so that is a total of 24 goals. Not only do you set the goal but it’s really important to document why each of them are important to you.
The bigger the why, the easier the how…
Download the Goal setting worksheet below in the resources section and fill it in.
Start by rating where you feel you are in each area of your life right now on a scale of 1 – 10. This number is subjective and completely up to you, just remember not to let your inner critic be too harsh when recording this as you don’t want to feel you have to larger mountain to climb.
Once you have rated yourself then fill in the 3 goals and why each of them are important to you and mark off the checklist at the bottom of each page.
The idea behind setting goals in all 8 areas of your life is it allows you to work on all areas for improvement and not just be stuck in the work mentality. This will give you both a better balance as you have focus on multiple areas of your life but also it will help you improve every area of your life.
Goal setting gives you something to work towards and having goals in all areas of your life will lift you up across the board giving you a better life-style, more success and ultimately more happiness.[/text_block]

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