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Importance of Goal Setting

Lesson 1: Importance of Goal Setting



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Length: 11:56


25% of Week 2

Lesson Objective

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ width=”940″]Learn the importance of setting goals, how to set SMART goals and the 5 steps you need to take from there to achieve your goals…[/text_block]

Actions Steps


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  • SMART Goals



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  • The 4 Reasons People Don’t Set Goals

    1. Don’t realize the importance
    2. Don’t know how to
    3. Fear of Failure
    4. Fear of Rejection


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  • The 5 Steps to Setting Goals

    1. Set your goals SMART, then put them in writing.

    2. Set milestones and benchmarks to achieve along the way so you know you’re heading in the right direction.

    3. Set action commitments to help you achieve you milestones or benchmarks and the overall goals.

    4. Take it a step further than simply telling a friend, go and get an accountability partner who is also a goal setter and share goals with each other.

    5. Celebrate your success, it doesn’t have to be huge but maybe go out for dinner or spend time with friends of family. If you achieve a huge goal then give yourself a bigger reward, just make sure you CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS!


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