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The Weekly Reviews

Lesson 2: The Weekly Reviews



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Length: 4:07


50% of Week 12

Lesson Objective

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ width=”940″]What to do at the end of each week to analyse last weeks performance and plan out the following week using the weekly review checklist.[/text_block]

Actions Steps


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Exercise 2

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  • Your First Weekly Review

    This is a time to start creating a powerful new habit that you perform on a weekly basis by carrying out your weekly review at the end of each week. You should start by identifying when you typically start your week and from there assign a time block to working on this.

    Lets use the scenario used in the video of the week ending on Sunday and commencing on Monday. This would mean every Sunday evening you allocate roughly 30 minutes to run through your weekly review.

    The weekly review means you have enough items to analyse but it’s not too far out that you have forgotten what you did well and not so well. Plus you will ideally have most of this stuff documented on your Kaizen Success System worksheet.

    Once you have the time slot allocated then it’s time to open the weekly review checklist document from the resources section above and run through all the points on there. Basically you start by analysing you results from the past week, making notes of what you did and didn’t do well and then planning your next week out.

    Try and follow this process for a few weeks until it becomes a natural habit. This is so important to your overall success as you can see on a daily and weekly basis what you are doing well and where you could improve. The result will be week on week you following the Kaizen way of small and continuous improvement moving you towards your goals.

    This weekly review checklist is a great Segway into something you can use with your accountability partner which is something we will be taking you through in the next video.

