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Core Membership

Hello and Welcome to the “Core Membership Application” page.

I call this an “application” page as I want to share information with you about what MindGaia and the associated websites are about and what we can offer to our Core Members. It is a lot more than just the MindGaia website and this is evolving over time as we continue to grow.

OK, so first a little house cleaning. If you are here, it was by invitation only as this is not a public offering, but for a very special membership opportunity.

I am in the process of finding like-minded individuals that see the value in the community. In helping each other reach a level of success they want to reach AND to offer services to the general public that are aligned with MindGaia founding principle.

MindGaia is founded on the Principle of:

The Trinity of Success.

Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

And that you can NOT be truly successful in life without all three of these.

Many people in the Coaching/Consulting industry face the same issues. Getting their websites found and then generating enough sales to run a viable business.

To compound this, dealing with all of the technology to be able to provide services to their client base is a major hurdle for many of them also.

All the World except Australia can see this

An open communications platform that we can use to generate interest and then move prospects over to our other properties.

Focused on Health, Wealth, and Happiness, this is our site for delivering digital learning experiences. While we may offer a part of a product that also includes time with the product creator, the primary focus is on the digital delivery of prebuilt content.

KanDo is our core platform for the delivery of personal and business based coaching. Here we will offer One-On-One, One-To-Many, Training Webinars, and seminars. KanDo is our primary site for the delivery of content in a way that is much more “Live” with the Coach/Consult directly involved in the presentation of the material.

Here we offer Coaches/Consultants tools and training materials to help them upskill and build their own businesses.