Welcome to the Kaizen Success System Affiliate Program

Thank you for your interest in promoting The Kaizen Success System!
You can make a 50% commission on every sale you make when you promote The Kaizen Success System.

The Kaizen Success System is a unique and completely updated training program. It’s up-to-date, informative, and includes the most useful, cutting edge information on how to gain personal clarity, find your core values, your life mission and then building a plan on how to accomplish it.

Text based Affiliate links ready for you to use

Your affiliate link to the MindGaia.com home page:

Subject Lines:
Sample Email 1
The opportunity is now, and availability is limited. If you are truly looking for change then you need to act quickly. Starting September 10, you can join the growing community that is learning the Kaizen Success System.
Check out what’s happening in the next class here:
Sample Email 2
A true measure of success, is being happy. And happiness comes from accomplishing the goals that you set for yourself that have meaning for you. Without a proven system that takes you step-by-step and shows you how other successful people have done it, it’s a long journey to figure out on your own.
If you’re ready for change, want to join a growing community of people just like yourself, that want to set and achieve goals that make them happy, then the time is now.
Follow this link to see how you can be one of the select few that gets this life changing training system. availability is limited, so act now.
Sample Email 3
The Kaizen Success System is a growing community of like-minded people who are looking for change in their life. People just like you that want a step-by-step system that will take them from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow.
And for a limited time there are some seats still available. If you’re looking forward and want to have more, be more, do more, then you ever thought possible, then you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
The Kaizen Success System will change the way you look at life, and what you thought was possible. Over a 13 week., You will be provided with all the tools you need to change your life, gain clarity, and the focus to reach the goals that have the most meaning for you.
Available spots are limited, so act now. Go watch the video, and sign up, so you can enjoy this growing community of people just like yourself that want more out of life.
Sample Email 4
Happiness comes from having clarity in your life and knowing where you are and where you want to go. Having a proven step-by-step system that helps you gain clarity and teaches you how you can reach your goals moves you from being frustrated to being focus.
If you are ready for change. If you want more out of life. If you would like to understand why you do what you do, and how you can have more success and happiness, it’s time to make the jump into a different way of doing things.
Right now you can join a growing community of like-minded people that just like you are gaining that clarity and reaching levels of success they never thought was possible. These are people from all walks of life, that support each other and together are learning this step-by-step system over a 13 week. That is changing the entire course of their lives.
Limited spots are available, so if you’re ready for a challenge, and a new life, follow the link below, watch the video, and sign out the for all the spots are gone.

Web Banners With Affiliate Links

Web Banners allow you to use images on your website or any other place that allows you to use “code” to embed links. Below you can see some images we have made for you and under each one is the code needed to place this on your website.
Just Copy & Paste the entire block of code into your widget bar on your website or web page.

For a 240px X 400px image, use the following:

For a 250px X 250px image, use the following:

For a 336px X 280px image, use the following:

For a 728px X 90px image, use the following: